On the heels of my recent post about Mondo 2000 comes yet another fantastic post on omnireboot.com--this one dealing much of Mondo's truth-is-stranger-than-fiction history. Authored by Mondo founder R.U.Sirius (Ken Goffman), much of this fantastic post is, I suspect, pulled from work done for Goffman's much celebrated, but slow-to-complete 'Mondo 2000: an open source history' kickstarter project.
From the Omni post:
"MONDO 2000 took emerging digital culture, dangerous hacking, and new media, and tossed them in the blender with a cocktail of the following: overdoses of hallucinogenic drugs, hypersex and the more outrageous edges of rock and roll, irreverent attitudes stolen from 20th Century countercultures from the beats to the punks, the literary and art avant-gardes, anarchism, surrealism, and the new electronic dance culture. Then it deceptively spilled that crazy Frappé all out across really slick, vaguely commercial looking multicolored printed pages. The result was content that was Gonzo-meets-Glam-meets-Cyberpunk-meets-something else that has never been seen before or since."