There's a whole issue in my neighborhood with dog poop. There's someone(s) who's going around picking up their dog poop with these little black bags and then leaving them around where I then have to deal with them.
Last summer, someone was leaving these little black bag next to the tree in front of my house. Never mind that there's a park across the street with a bin in evidence - about 4 seconds walk across the street. It kept happening and I kept a lookout on who it could be and at one point I saw a woman with a little dog picking up dog poop with one of those little bags. I asked her if she was the one leaving the little dog bags - there was one right there. She looked alarmed and said that no, it certainly wasn't her and that anyway everyone was using these little black bags because those are the ones they sell at the hardware store. I said ok. And then it sorta stopped.
But then a few weeks ago I was having breakfast with my partner and while looking out at my tiny backyard I noticed that the back of it was littered with these little black bags. I went out to investigate and low and behold, they were filled with what I assumed was dog poop. There were about a dozen or so tossed around the back of the yard and a few hanging from the tree.
Now, my yard doesn't border an alley - just four other backyards, so clearly this wasn't a passerby - this was one of my neighbors who thought it was perfectly ok to toss their dog poop in my yard. For the most part, I was more disbelieving than angry. Because who does this? I don't really know my neighbors too well and those I do, I'm on a hi basis with. So I didn't think this was an act of aggression - probably someone thought it was an ok thing to do.
I called my police station to ask them what I should do.Is there a legal precedent to poop-tossing? Apparently, it's frowned upon but they said that unless I caught my neighbor in the act, there wasn't a lot they could do on their end.
I figured it had to be one of four houses that I'm pretty sure have dogs, so I went knocking. "Hi - sorry to disturb you, but someone's been throwing bags of dog poop in my yard. Is it you?" My neighbors - including the lady from the previous summer - were all (apparently) horrified. They all denied having done it and all suggested that it might be someone else.
After making the rounds, I went home and cleaned up the yard. And the poop bagging stopped.
Which is good, I guess. But it's left me wondering what's the deal with this poop bagging business. Because I know it's not just my street. Everywhere I go, I see the little bags of poop. Now, I don't have a dog but I'm pretty sure that if I did, I'd pick up the poop and then I'd put it in the trash. Is this an unreasonable train of thought? From the looks of it, this behavior isn't exactly isolated amongst dog owners. So what's the deal? They're obviously conscientious enough to pick up the poop and bag it but why not bin it?