I just found out from my bud Marisa of amazing Sherbrooke-based vegan cupcake providers The Cat & The Cupcake, that Sherbrooke is celebrating its first Gay Pride! Put on as a collaboration between three Sherbrooke-based LGBT organizations, the event will be held on Saturday August 24th and will feature live music, a BBQ and various other outdoor activities. My recollection of the times I spent in the Eastern Townships as a Bishop's University were in no-way-in-ever associated with either vegan cupcakes or open celebrations of sexual diversity. Back then, the predominent cultures of beer-and-football seemed mightily hard to buck, so this is all kinds of awesome to see. From the event press release:
Si le projet est d’abord une initiative du REMDUS, il est le résultat de la collaboration de plusieurs groupes et organismes proches de la cause : IRIS Estrie, l’Association des gais, lesbiennes, bisexuel-le-s et allié-e-s de l’UdeS (AGLEBUS) et le Comité identités et orientation sexuelles et amoureuses libres du Cégep de Sherbrooke (CIOSAL). .For the deets.