I just came across this wonderful wonderful wonderful video on how to make friends. It's doubly cool because it's presented by Montreal musician, activist and community organizer Sarah Mangle whom I knew about ten years ago when we both worked at youth organization Head & Hands.
It's an in-depth look at a the simple issues surrounding relationships - what they mean to us, how and why they sustain us and how to go about building them in this competitive world we live in and in which friendships are oftentimes hyper-quantitative in relation to how they're (not meaningfully) explored through social media.
This is part 1 of a multi-part look at this and Sarah's personal narrative and succinct analysis contributes some strong perspectives on the process of being human and relating to others. To paraphrase Sarah, You don't have to be impressive.... Being well-known on the internet doesn't mean you have more friends than anyone else. When someone asks you what you're up to at a party, saying something that's human rather than about your job, etc.. will bring you closer to others.
Accompanying pic by Yamino, from deviantart